You can freeze / Unfreeze your account if you detect any suspicious activities
Important Information:
Disclaimer: Please close all your open positions and cancel all pending orders before freezing your account.
Fatca Declaration
Are You Sure You Want To Close your Account ? |
Mandate Details
Bank Registered with us
Holder's Details
Holder's List
Nominee Details
Nominee's List
Do you wish to add a nominee to your account ? |
DP Bank Details
POA Details
POA Status
Signature Modification
Want to update signature ?
Want to apply for BSDA ?
Kindly take print and send us duly filled and signed BSDA form on following (Download PDF)
Address: Pantomath Nucleus House, Saki Vihar Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400072.
Kindly take print and send us duly filled and signed DDPI form on following address(Download PDF)
Address: Pantomath Nucleus House, Saki Vihar Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400072
Segment and Brokerage Details
Are You Sure You Want To Modify the Brokerage Details ? |
Suspension Reason
Request for Modification in Brokerage Details
Are You Sure You Want To Modify the Brokerage Details ?
Your Request Had Been Submitted
I/We hereby declare that the name being updated here belongs to me/us. further, I authorise Asit C. Mehta Investment Interrmediates Ltd. to use this name in the KRA and demat account that I hold with Asit C. Mehta Investment Interrmediates Ltd.
Online Nomination(Using E-signature facility)
Offline Nomination(kindly download form take a print out, do signature and courier)
Online Nomination(Using E-signature facility)
Offline Nomination(kindly download form take a print out, do signature and courier)
In case of Account Closure due to SHIFTING OF ACCOUNT: I/We declare and confirm that all the transactions in my/our demat account are true/ authentic. I agree all terms and conditions |
Your Request Had Been Submitted
Your Request Had Been Submitted
Your Request Had Been Submitted
Your Request Had Been Submitted
Your Request Had Been Submitted
Your Request Had Been Submitted
Your Request Had Been Submitted
Your Request Had Been Submitted
Your Request Had Been Submitted
Your Request Had Been Submitted
Your Request Had Been Submitted
Your Request Had Been Submitted
1. For validating with UIDAI and updating my/our Aadhaar number with ACMIIL.
2. For collecting, storing, using, authenticating, my/our Aadhaar number and demographic information in accordance with Aadhaar Act, 2016 and Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA) and respective regulations made thereunder for all services provided by ACMIIL including future services.
3. For sharing / disclosing my/our Aadhaar number including demographic information with Government and its agencies as prescribed/notified by government, SEBI, Exchanges, Depositories, Asset Management Companies, Registrar and Transfer Agents and affiliates, associates and group companies of ACMIIL.
Your Request Had Been Submitted
Your Request Had Been Submitted
Your Request Had Been Submitted
I/We hereby declare that the signature being updated here belongs to me/us. This change will affect the Trading and Demat account that I hold with Asit C .Mehta Investment Interrmediates Ltd.
Are You Sure You Want to add New DP ?
Your Request Had Been Submitted
Ref: Authorization to maintain running accounts for transactions and retention of securities and funds for my client code
This has reference to the SEBI circular MIRSD/SE/Cir-19/2009 dated Dec 03, 2009, Exchange Circular NSE/INSP/13606 dated Dec 03, 2009, clarification circulars NSE/INSP/14048 dated Feb 03, 2010 and NSE/INSP/21651 dated Sep 07, 2012, regarding settlement of running accounts of clients.Print and sign the segment deactivation form Download PDF
Kindly take print and send us duly filled and signed segment closure form on the following (PDF Download) Address: Pantomath Nucleus House, Saki Vihar Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400072.
1)If you have holdings in your account, you’d need to sell or transfer them, before requesting for account closure..
2)If you have any open trade positions, Please clear/square off, before requesting for account closure.
3)If you have pending dues/debit balances, you’d need to clear the due’s before requesting the account closure.
4) If you have mutual fund holdings, you’d need to redeem, them before requesting for account closure.
5) If you have mutual fund holdings, you'd need to redeem, them before requesting for account closure.
Kindly contact our customer service executive on 022-28584545 or contact us on
customerservice@acm.co.inSegment where brokerage is to be changed & as per below given new rates.
Your Request Had Been Submitted
do not close the window. you will be redirected.
Your Address change request has been submitted successfully.
We will send you a link for Esign on your registered Email ID.
Your referance number is CP1234567.
In case of non-receipt of the shares from the above mentioned DPID-Client ID of the bid quantity, the bid will not be submitted to the exchange.
Processing & Handling charge of Rs. 100.00 + GST will be levied.